Upper Allen Township, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
US Highway 15 near State Route 15 Mechanicsburg/Dillsburg Area
First of all, both Upper Allen and Lower Allen Police use VASCAR. They usually sit in a well hidden spot near white lines or blocks painted on the side of the road; usually an onramp or spot off the side of the road.
Every now and then, they do a speed trap without these white lines. An unmarked cop (I’ve seen a black Ford Explorer several times) sits on the side of 15 with it’s flashers on. An ENRADD unit is set up on the side of the road next to the cop. If you don’t know what ENRADD is, Google it and find some pictures. Down the road from this, there will be up to 6 police cars with people pulled over. After pulling people over, these cops circle around and pull more people over. On April 6, 2008, they pulled over a very large amount of people on 15 North between the Rutters and Lisburn Road exit. This trap is very avoidable if you know what your doing: look up ENRADD and slow down for cars parked on the side of the road.
US Highway 15 near Wesley Dr & Rossmoyne Rd Crossing
The patrol car can be stationed on the north side of the overpass or at the top of the entrance ramp going in either either direction.
US Highway 15
A cop car sits on the grass between the highway and the Upper Allen Township exit. They use VASCAR, so watch for the lines on the road.
State Route 15 near Pennsylvania Turnpike
UAPD work with the PSP on this one. Located just south of the PA Turnpike in the northbound lanes. The PSP will gun you coming up over the hill at the Winding Hill Road interchange and the UAPD will pull you over.
US Highway 15 near Mile Marker 37.4
The officer is well known in the area for routinely running speed in an ice cream truck. Apparently he has outfitted this old truck with flashing red and blue lights as well as radio equipment and a siren. Unsuspecting motorists passing through the area should beware of the Officer in the old ice cream truck as this is a highly unfair unjust and ridiculous misuse of our tax money.