Villanova, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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PA 320 North past US 30

Villanova, PennsylvaniaMar 05, 20100 Comments

Radnor cops check speed using tire sensors at the top of the hill alongside Villanova University. They will flag motorists just beyond the SEPTA bridge.

Lancaster Ave & N Ithan Ave

Villanova, PennsylvaniaMay 13, 20090 Comments

The cops hide out anywhere along Lancaster Avenue, but in this particular location they’re typically sitting in the parking lot across from the Villanova Stadium (diagonally across from the main campus at Lancaster & Ithan) running a VASCAR clocking system.

I-476 North/South btw Exits 13 and 16

Villanova, PennsylvaniaNov 28, 20080 Comments

Troopers sit at a u-turn in the small median that is carefully built as a little hill so that it is not very visable from either direction. It is hard to see them in advance and a very common sight to see brake lights as people drive by it. Often multiple cars park here with their lights off and nab people going in excess of 75, the speed limit here is only 55mph even though traffic flows at 70+. They will probably not bother you if you going <=70mph, as they do not have to wait long for people to fly down this stretch at 75+. Especially going Northbound there is a long straightaway just ahead and it is easy for them to catch up and pull people over just before the ramps for I-76. Many times you will see a car parked at the u-turn and another car with someone pulled over, just before the I-76 ramps. This is a very heavily used trap at all hours of the day. Be alert! However there is nowhere else for them to hide within a couple miles in either direction.

Lancaster or Rt30 Avenue near Villanova University

Villanova, PennsylvaniaApr 25, 20080 Comments

Everybody drives 35-40 mph. Police enforces 25mph and gives tickets.

S. Ithan Avenue near Gramont Circle

Villanova, PennsylvaniaSep 10, 20040 Comments

Along Ithan Avenue between The Agnes Irwin School and South Campus of Villanova University (the blocks between Conestoga road and Rt. 30), Radnor Township frequently hides out on side streets, such as Gramont Circle from midday to maybe PM rush hour. The traps seem to be more frequent at the beginning and end of the University school year, probably aimed at deterring college students from speeding through the residential area to Villanova. I got nailed for 42 in a 25 (it’s a long, level, wide street), but the cop said he usually gives 10 mph over the limit. I drive under 35 on that block.

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