Warrington, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Kansas Road near Tulip Street

Warrington, PennsylvaniaSep 23, 20070 Comments

Sets up at Kansas and tulip also near back of 7/11 at times as many as 5 police cars there at one time .Get you from both directions 25mph stictly enforced.

valley Road near log college Drive

Warrington, PennsylvaniaSep 21, 20070 Comments

two times a month from 8.00am to 11.00am mon-fri

Folly Road near Nike Park

Warrington, PennsylvaniaAug 04, 20070 Comments

Police car parks far back on Nike drive road

Elbow Lane near Street Road

Warrington, PennsylvaniaJul 17, 20070 Comments

Elbow Lane between Street Road and N. Greensward Road. A police officer monitors near Elbow Lane Day Camp. Speed limit is strictly enforced at 25 miles per hour – local residents are complaining about speeding.

Titus Avenue near State Route 611

Warrington, PennsylvaniaJul 13, 20070 Comments

Two Police Officers will set up their laser device on Titus road. The laser sends the speeds of the cars to the awaiting officers up the road. They stand in the road and wave you over to a parking lot where they give you a ticket. I’ve watched them get 8 cars at once.

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