Wrightsville, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
2nd Street near Hellam Rte 462 Road
Coming Down a long hill to the Veteran’s Memorial Bridge that spans the Susquehanna River. They sit on South 2nd street where they have a clear view of entering or exiting the Bridge. The speed changes from 45-35 there, and higher speeds are common. They will follow you across the bridge, and often pull you over on the Columbia Side.
Enforcement can be any time of the day, but is VERY heavy on weekends, and nights. The bars in Wrightsville are heavily monitored, and often, people are followed from the bars and pulled over for DUI, or even suspicion of it. They then harrass you and try to find a fault if they can’t get you for DUI.
This is a primary cash infusion for the town and was actually part of the budget!
They are estimating the revenues from tickets to balance the town’s budget! See the video proof of this at WrightsvillePA.com website video section of the town council meetings You can also see an overview map with the area on it.
South Front Street near near quarry entrance
North & South traffic on Rt 624 between bridge underpass and approx 1/2 south of quarry. Speed changes partway down a steep grade from 45 to 30 mph. Local police park in private driveways on the west side of 624.
US Highway 462 near 9th and Hellam Street
Police Car parks behind the old Myers and List building on the north side of Hellam street. From this point he can see in all directions. He wil chase you too if he sees you speeding. It’s not too easy to speed across the intersection from 9th onto Cool Creek Rd as there is a major hump that would send you flyinf or bottoming out.
Rt 30 Bypass near 9th street overpass Crossing
State Police and local Police often sit just off to the side of the ramp coming down to get on going west at Wrightsville. He is down the ramp far enough that you can’t see him until after you pass him. And that is only if you are looking over your shoulder.They are there pretty often.