York, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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US Rte 30 near State Rte 462, West York.

York, PennsylvaniaSep 09, 20130 Comments

On US30 between Rte 74 and Hwy 462 in West Manchester township is an emergency turn-around on a straight stretch of US30. The turn-around is about half a mile east of the US30/462 interchange in West York. Police sit there at that turn around an have an unobstructed view of vehicles coming around the blind curves both east and west of the location. Police usually run the trap against westbound US30 traffic, but can still observe eastbound traffic. On occasion, officers hide on top of an overpass which passes over the curve east of the location and observe vehicles undetected. Sometimes local police use a civilian appearing vehicle (right now it’s a greenish Ford Windstar) that sits on the side of the road and appears to be broken down, but is actually using a type of mobile radar to observe traffic. This vehicle is actually a police unit and is fully decked out with lights and siren. This location is especially used during local automotive events and meets as a means to crack down on street racing on US30.

W. Market

York, PennsylvaniaSep 03, 20130 Comments

The entire length of W. Market in West York Borough. Actually every street in W.Y.

Midland Ave, between Irving and Jackson

York, PennsylvaniaAug 05, 20130 Comments

Cop sits on side street, using VASCAR. If you’re going downhill, they’re gonna nail you because everyone speeds going down. Also got me for not putting on turn signal 🙁

Greenbriar Rd @ Butcher Ct (just south of Christain School)

York, PennsylvaniaFeb 24, 20120 Comments

Northern Regional Police sit either in Butcher Ct or just south in a residential driveway, they use VASCAR and now a new electronic eye along the roadside to get you.

RT 30 East Between Mt. Zion and Hellam Exits

York, PennsylvaniaJul 20, 20110 Comments

.8 mi east of Shoehouse Rd overpass on the right. The State Police have a place in the high weeds where they can hide and use radar. I’ve seen them there on 7/19/11 and 7/20/11 around 6 pm.

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