Barrington, Rhode Island Speed Traps
Split of Rt 103/114 North/South
On the North side of Barrington after the High School grounds and Federal Road on Rt 103/114 the road divides into a 4 lane highway with a natural division of dense trees, bushes and some grassed area. Local cops hide in this natural division with KA radar gun aimed at all traffic coming South on route 114, speed limit is 35 and traffic coming south have just come out of 45 and then 40 zones, they are especially brutal here during the evening hours and after bar closings
State Route 114 near Interstate 95 North
Usually set back on the side of the road so you can’t see them. I was given a ticket by a State Trooper who was standing in the middle of the highway with a radar gun. Two police cars on one side with six other cars pulled over and one facing on coming traffic so if you didn’t stop that car would pursue you. You are coming off the interstate doing at least 65, then the speed goes to 45, then where I was stopped is 40 mphs. They just sit there and wait.
Route 114 north (Wamponaug Trail)
Heading North on 114 the officers like to lie-in-wait in the Osamequin bird santuary dirt lot. Careful the speed limit keeps getting lowered. Its down to 40!