Anderson, South Carolina Speed Traps
Interstate 85 near Exit Number 14702
I-85 in Anderson County is a speed trap. State Troopers and Deputies are pulling people over all the time the speed limit is only 65 this is not fair!
Greenville Street near Simpson Road
Coming from Simpson Road(Bi-Lo Shopping center)going towards intown on Greenville street. On the right hand side of the road(Big just cleared lot)Right before Publix/Chic-fil-a, there will be an officer sitting in the cleared field with his radar on. He is Only there from 5am till right before the sun gives him away. Most people/traffic in this area drives about 45mph, but the speed limit is 35, which by the way, it changes from 45 to 35 about 200-300 feet from his hiding place……
State Highway 24 near 28 Bypass
State Troopers and County Deputies contiually patrolling. The posted Speed limit is 45. If you are doing over that they Will pull you over.
Interstate 85 near Exit Number 35-46
Interstate 85 between exit 35 to the SOuth and to exit
46 going North is a highly enforced area. The State Troopers will either sit on an overpass or they will sit on an On ramp with radar running.
I have also noticed that if there is a disabled vehicle on the roadside sometimes they will back the cruiser up to the vehicle and you will not notice them until it is too late.
These guys are pretty good.
Breazedale Road
The speed limit on this stretch of road is 35, which is a good 10-15 below what is perfectly safe and reasonable during the day with good weather. There are no shoulders to speak of, so most often it will be a Trooper running radar while driving in the opposite direction.