Easley, South Carolina Speed Traps
Ross Avenue near Below 4-way stop at Hwy 8 and Ross Avenue
Posted limit is 35 MPH; road is a gently downhill slope and it requires diligence to maintain 35 or below. Easley City policeman frequently lurks at the bottom of the hill. I’m sure they easily make their quota on this stretch of road.
US Highway 123 near US Highway 93
Coming out of Easley (Clemson bound)where speed limit is still 45 mph, law enforcement cars will sit in median just as you go under underpass, with all lights off.
Interstate 123
Speed limit goes from 65 to 55 to 45 in about a quarter mile. Going into Easley, there’s a blind curve after it drops into 45, but you won’t know until its too late. Leaving, Before it goes up to 55, they sit in the median waiting. I’ve seen alot of people get pulled over here.
Brushy Creek Road near Brushy Creek Church
I have had two tickets my whole life and they are both on this road. It’s ony 35 mph but it’s very hilly which makes you go faster down the hill. The cop pulled me over going 45 in a 35.
Brushy Creek Road, about a mile coming from Hwy 123
Small entrance to farm gate hidden by brush, cops park here and you can’t see them until you are right in front of them. Speed limit is 35, but it is very hard to go 35. 45 feels slow. Watch out.