Florence, South Carolina Speed Traps

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McLeod Boulevard near Interstate 20 Business Spur

Florence, South CarolinaFeb 03, 20040 Comments

I-20 Business Spur(aka.McLeod Blvd )is a known hideout for the Florence County Sheriff Department. They sit there as you come into Florence off of I-20 onto McLeod Blvd. They usually sit behind trees in the median in unmark vehicles where the speed chamges from 60 mph to 45 mph. This is also true if you are coming off of I-95 onto I-20 Business Spur. This area alone has paid for many new vehicles for the Sheriff Department the last 3 years.

Interstate 95 near Mile Marker 154

Florence, South CarolinaFeb 02, 20040 Comments

SCHP and the Florence County Sheriff Dept sits in the median close to the Honda Plant on I-95 running radar both ways about the 154 mile marker. The Sherriff Department has been doing this the last 3 years because of budget cuts in the county and it is a very well know area for catching out of state vehicles who usually will just pay and not show up in court.

West Palmetto Street near Saluda Drive

Florence, South CarolinaFeb 02, 20040 Comments

Officer drives a silver Ford Crown Vic and hides out at Saluda & Palmetto. Its hard to see him until you are right on top of him. He is the # 1 producing revenue officer in the city of Florence and has numerous hide-outs around the city for the unexpecting driver. Although he hasn’t had me in 5 years, he has busted thousands over this time period.

The city of Florence has a local law that allows them to charge you over $200 for careless operations of a vehicle if you would rather plea to that versus a 4 point ticket and they line up every month in the city court room for such.

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