Hanahan, South Carolina Speed Traps
North Rhett Boulevard near Lakeside Road
Usually eastbound on North Rhett Blvd as you enter Hanahan from Goose Creek. When I sat in court for the ticket, nearly all of the citations were for this same location. I got hit there in May ’06. Wife just got tagged 8/1/06.
North Rhett Boulevard
Hanahan Police patrol North Rhett heavily. Added to this heavy enforcement are two traffic cops in mustangs. Do not go one mile per hour above or below the posted speed limit of 35 mph.
Entire City
The members of the Hanahan Police Department are out in full force, this department has no mercy. I have many friends that have been ticketed by Hanahan. They enforce traffic laws and equipment violations to the max. I had one friend that came into a 45 mph zone, and was starting to break it down, he was clocked doing 60. They put him in the book. I hear that they are trying to get a specialized traffic team, and let me tell you, if that happens, you better make a detour around this little city. Anyways, be careful in this city, and make sure your are doing the speed limit, and your tag lights and head lights are all woking properly…
N. Rhett, and entire city
Hanahan is a small city which generates alot of revenue through traffic tickets. They work out a deal with you which is great for them, and not too bad (as a ticket goes) for you. They write you a ticket for "Careless operation" not the original charge, such as Speeding, Running stop sign, Illegal passing, etc… It is no points, so insurance companies don’t pay much attention. The bad, or good for the city, part is that all of the money stays in the city, It is a city law, not a state charge. If you are like me, before I stopped to think about it, you could not care less who gets the money you pay. But, stop and think. If they get more money per ticket, they will be more likely to write tickets, not warnings. I was written a ticket by an officer and I am sure he would have given me a warning, if he did not stand to profit from writing a ticket. I can’t believe he wrote me a ticket for suh a petty thing anyway. I was only going 75 on what looks like an interstate (N. Rhett). When they started the "careless operation" thing, they dropped the speed limit on N. Rhett to 40, so they could make more money. I hope he does not get a new car or anything for writing so many Carless operation tickets. I hope he has to drive the same car until he retires. They didn’t even give him lights on top of the car. Just one Barney Fife light on the dash!