Hilton Head Island, South Carolina Speed Traps
Compass Rose Park , Hilton Head Island SC 29928
This is a city park in Hilton Head Island , SC. If your vehicle enters the park , a silent alarm will be triggered, and you can expect a Beaufort County Sheriff’s Department deputy will be dispatched, particularly at night, as the park is open 24/7. Expect to have the inside of your vehicle searched from the outside via powerful spotlights.
Hilton Head Plantation
1/2 mile from front gate on Whooping Crane, security guard will be hiding on the side of road with radar that they are not trained use.
Hilton Head Plantation
1/4/mile front front gate on Whooping Crane, security guard hiding on road side with radar.
Bear Creek Drive & Dolphin Head Drive
Stop sign at intersection in Hilton Head Plantation is a money maker. There is no stop line and poorly trimmed trees & bushes block view to right. Cop sits off road on west side (left); $237.50 & 4 points.
Bottom of the William Hilton Bridge on the Island, Mile 0
Be careful when coming over this bridge onto the Island in the morning a short time after rush traffic. There is an unmarked Crown Vic that sits about 200 yards past the 50mph sign tagging people for revenue. You wont see the revenue trap until you come around the bend after getting off the bridge.