Jackson, South Carolina Speed Traps

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hiway 125

Jackson, South CarolinaAug 19, 20130 Comments

every where around town is a speed trap. small town of less than a 1000 has chief of police, 4 deputies, a judge, and a clerk on the payroll to handle the tickets they write to produce revenue. The police only work Mon thru Fri during the day. No police at night or during the weekend. I lived there for 8 years and the speed trap is a travisity

HWY 125 through town to SRS

Jackson, South CarolinaFeb 19, 20110 Comments

Speed limit in Town on 4 lane is 45. Drops to 35 at entrance to DOE facility SRS. If you get a ticket in the 35. Pay it. You are on federal property and the judge will increase the fine per some stupid law. hwy 125 is heavily patrolled.

Near State Highway 125 (All through town)

Jackson, South CarolinaAug 12, 20083 Comments

4 Lane Highway through very small town with a 45, then 35 speed limit – speed limit into town is 55. Heavily patrolled at all times, in either direction. As a reference point, this town is adjacent to the Savannah River Site Nuclear Plant.

State Highway 125 near North Silverton-South Street

Jackson, South CarolinaAug 09, 20060 Comments

This Patrolman is very strict and enjoys writing large tickets and flirting with the women he stops. BEWARE!

SC Rte 125 north of the Savanah River Site — south of East Augusta, SC

Jackson, South CarolinaMay 31, 20031 Comments

4 lane highway in undeveloped area posted 45 mph where rest of road is 55 mph.

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