Lexington, South Carolina Speed Traps

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E on I-20, between Exits 58 & 61, lanes expand from 2 to 3

Lexington, South CarolinaApr 16, 20100 Comments

You are traveling East on Interstate 20, in Lexington but headed towards Columbia. After you pass Exit 58 (Hwy 1 Exit) I-20 will expand to three lanes just before you hit the 378 Exit # 61. That three mile stretch of road is treacherous in terms of speed traps. They’ll sit in the emergency lane over hills and they patrol it heavily as well in both marked and unmarked cruisers.

Park Road – road SC Dept of Motor Vehicle is on

Lexington, South CarolinaMar 12, 20100 Comments

They sit anywhere on Park Road that is hard to see until you are right on them

Corley St & Harmon St

Lexington, South CarolinaSep 22, 20090 Comments

A Lexington Cop sits with their lights off and waits for anyone to drive by over the speed limit. Lexington is like Mayberry with Barney fife just waiting to give you a ticket for sneezing wrong. If the speed limit says 30 then I’d go 28-they’re just that petty.

Maple Road near Highway #1

Lexington, South CarolinaJul 17, 20080 Comments

Maple Road is monitored frequently.Usually around the baseball /tennis courts. The posted speed limit is 30mph. Very little leeway is given for going above the posted speed limit.

US Highway 378 near US Highway 1

Lexington, South CarolinaJan 18, 20080 Comments

Constant patrolling looking for speeders

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