Mccormick, South Carolina Speed Traps
County wide.
The problem is with the County Sheriffs office. The Highway Patrol doesn’t patrol much in the county anymore and the city police are pretty fair when it comes to stopping cars. There are three deputies that when are working, It’s impossible for anyone to drive thru the county and not get stopped. They are tethered together all pounce on you as soon as they see you coming. All wearing swat gear like they are about to do a raid somewhere. Be careful! It doesn’t matter if you are speeding or not, You will get pulled over. They don’t stop you for a violation, They stop you and then look for violations.
Marshall Street.
Cops have regular license and D.U.I checks and will even hide in the bushes and spring out on you.
Deason Cemetery Rd.
Speed limit is 55. You can easily go 65 but the cops sit on both sides of the road and even sometimes in deer stands with portable radar guns.
State Highway 28
Upon entering the city limits of McCormick, please adhere to speed limit. It changes at a minimum of 2 times and is constantly under patrol.
US Highway 221/28 near State Highway 283
McCormick County, SC patrol Hwy 28/221 in unmarked vehicles between Parksville, SC and McCormick, SC.