Olanta, South Carolina Speed Traps

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Going through the town of Olanta

Olanta, South CarolinaApr 11, 20101 Comments

Speed limit is 35 through town and the cops are Always present – sometimes in an unmarked car (which is who pulled me over on my birthday last year!).

Go 1 mile Under the speed limit. The aggravation goes away after the 2 minute ride through Olanta. I went to court to try to fight it and lost. The judge is the town Sheriff and he sits behind a desk made of exposed plywood. This town needed my $, that’s for sure.

US Highway 341 North near Chandler Road

Olanta, South CarolinaDec 15, 20050 Comments

The patrol cars stay outside the city limits where a 35 mph area turns into a 55 mph area. The city police will stop cars at this location (when they are speeding up to 40 – 45) and state they were speeding in the 35 zone. There is some question if the police even have jurisdiction outside the city limits.

US Highway 301 near Bridge approaching town

Olanta, South CarolinaAug 03, 20040 Comments

Well concealed chase car. Not easy to slow down in space allotted, must brake at first sign.

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