Prosperity, South Carolina Speed Traps

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Hwy 76 at the City limit sign

Prosperity, South CarolinaSep 07, 20140 Comments

Traveling from Hwy 773 into Prosperity starting at the city limit sign and extending as far as the elementary school. The speed limit is 325 mph.

US Highway 76 near Prosperity-Rikard Elementary School

Prosperity, South CarolinaJun 08, 20071 Comments

Speed drops from 55 to 35 when heading North on US 76 (into the town of Prosperity). This is the same point of the town limits so the cops like to sit at an antique store, in a parking lot at the elementary school (behind a row of hedges), and in a hidden drive. They sit out there after dark (typically) with their lights off just waiting on someone. I got busted when the "reduced speed ahead" sign was down for *some reason* and I was doing "50" in a 35 although I argued that I wasn’t going that fast but it didn’t matter. Oh, the cops are always quick to offer you a high-dollar ticket in exchange for no points, haha.

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