Rantowles, South Carolina Speed Traps

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US Highway 17 North near Just pass KFC and Dodge’s Store

Rantowles, South CarolinaAug 05, 20051 Comments

Heading north on US 17 after passing over Rantowles Creek, an area called "Red Top", there is an exit that veers to the right. This road used to be "Charleston Highway" or "Old Charleston Rd." many years ago before the 4-lane US 17 existed. It is straight and runs parallel to 17 for approximately 3/4 of a mile. As it is now, it is an easy short-cut to Main Road heading to Johns Island/Kiawah Seabrook. Out-of-towners would probably not even know to take this short-cut unless they use an on-line map service for directions. The speed limit on 17 is 55 mph. As soon as one veers off 17, the speed limit becomes 30 mph. Cops sit mid-way on the stretch and pop drivers AS SOON AS they come off 17….not giving them ANY time to decelerate. Literally, you veer off at 55 mph and BANG they have you! When I got zapped, I was traveling at 57 mph with an 18-wheeler on my rear bumper. The veer-off is easy, no curve…just straight. The cop popped me within 75 feet of coming off 17. I had slowed to 51 mph and was continuing to slow. Of course, he was a typical cop and would hear nothing of it. This area of 17 is also patrolled by airplane (marked with signs) and often Chas. County cops place an out of service cruiser in the median at Rantowles Creek bridge with a MANEQUIN…yes, a dummy…in the driver’s seat. (How ironic…a dummy)

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