Travelers Rest, South Carolina Speed Traps
US Highway 25 near North of US276 Branchoff
4 lane divided highway heading north to NC – when northbound the posted speed drops from 55 to 45 with no visual clue. Area is patrolled, sometimes jointly, by TR police, SC state troopers, and Greenville county sheriff. A good part of TR’s city budget is funded by speeding violation revenue.
state hy-ways 276 and 25
Anywhere in the "city limits" of Travelers Rest you are a prime target for a stop. All the LEO’s have radar and they use CV’s and a Ford pick up. Any over the limit and you are in danger. The whole town is a trap.
Highway 278
The speed is 55 mph and then, as you go around a curve, it switches to 35 mph. On that curve is a hidden cop who gives the message to the cops waiting right around the curve. Once you’re around the curve, you’ll see the cops standing in the road.