1-85 N exit 63

Dinwiddie, VirginiaJan 06, 20122 Comments

Speed limit slows from 70 to 60 within a 1 mile radius (From exit 61 to exit 63) . Sheriff allegedly clocked me doing 71 in a 60 but I know that he did not have his radar on because i had a radar detector and I am a former police officer and I am familiar with the area. The sheriff was actually in the road obstructing traffic and assumed i was speeding because I was going 15mph faster than the tractor trailer beside me which had to slow down to avoid hitting him. Dinwiddie’s only source of income is from generating tickets. There is nothing in the town but a beautiful courthouse. Be very cautious driving in this area especially if you have out of state plates. Even the brotherly courtesy of being in law enforcement is not extended in this area. This area is a ticket mill and should be placed under investigation for illegal ticketing practices.

I couldn't have written this better. I went to the Courthouse to dispute the ticket I was written. This entire town has Ticket Trap written all over it: Limit is not posted until entering town and almost no signs for the Courthouse, which is beautiful and secluded behind several buildings. I guarentee you that Sherriffs and Troopers running these Speed traps make 6 figures. I don't know how this comment will be treated for the following opinion, but the supporters of these speed traps are nothing short of thieves and I am thankful that God has a policy in the Bible for thieves.
#1Mar 05, 2012Report Abuse
Here's are some simple ways not to get caught. 1. Keep an over confident speed demon far out in front of you or travel in the middle of a pack of speeders. 2. Keep a lookout for the white vertical utility road signs; usually on the left; that indicate that there is a break in the tree lined median for "GUESS-Who!?" That is where they are hiding. As soon as you see the white sign break the horizon, Slow Down! The White Vertical Utility Sign on the Left side of the road is your friend too. 3. Watch out for blind turns that you can't see around. They have cars facing oncoming traffic; knowing that you can't see them until it's too late. 4. Some of the On-Ramps are immediate speed traps. So... Pay attention to the green areas just outside the on-ramps. 5. When travailing on the highway by yourself, keep your speed no more than 5 mph over the limit. 10 mph over the speed limit is the "Trip-wire".
#2Aug 01, 2013Report Abuse

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