109 South and 300 East 7-Eleven

Salt Lake City, UtahJun 26, 20170 Comments

There’s a 7-Eleven on 109 South and 300 East being used as a speed trap. Motorcycle cops are camping under the treees on this stretch of road that is post marked 30MPH just past the 7-Eleven Gas station.

109 South and 300 East is being taken advantage of by cops in the early morning hours between 7:00am and 9:00am to catch motorists frequently speed on this road.

Motorist are constantly being stopped for going a few over the speed limit because this road isn’t traveled by enough cars at one time. You won’t see that cop unless you are looking carefully, he isn’t easily visible because he’s hidden under the trees.

If you are the only one driving on this road in the morning you should be cautious. Those who aren’t paying attention to their speed miss him. **This cop will pull you over so look out. **

Due to their length of time they have cars pulled over, they don’t seem to hesitate in writing tickets.

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