16th street and 35th ave

Greeley, ColoradoFeb 01, 20170 Comments

they sit in the parking lot of assembly of god church .the flashing light are not on for a school zone( and it maybe less than 500 feet total .) then they tell you you are speeding in a school zone .they are seen there everyday from 7 am until noon .the rates are higher and so are the points and they will give a ticket saying you were going over the speed limit by more than 15 mph , which carries 8 points and then they tell you if you pay with in 30 days the point will drop in half , and if you pay with in 10 days it will drop to 2 points , and yes they even do this when the school is closed for the day m-f …. they tell you they have the right to stop you as long as its m-f , and it you tell them the lights are not blinking or you know for a fact the school does not have school that day , they tell you “it don’t matter , other schools are open “. and this is every 1st week of the month as well as the last week of the month .

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