1st Avenue near Fullerton Road

River Grove, IllinoisJul 04, 20061 Comments

headed north on 1st ave…once you pass north ave you will head thru the forest. there is limited places available for a cop to hide and time. be wary as you near fullerton there is a shoulder there where they have been known to time, but there are in full view. the real danger is when you exit the woods north of fullerton and the speed limit goes from 40 to 30. watch our as you approach the clark station on your right, and worse yet the RG police station just north of there. Slow Down Before Fullerton, 35 mph at most.

Cops will not hide in the forest. It's one lane each way and they would be grid locking traffic by clocking here. You see the speed limit and have time to reduce. They are not gonna bust your balls for this unless you come out of the woods pushing 45 or higher, then you are screwed. And yea the RGPD is further north. Let's exercise some common sense about speeds here.
#1Jan 04, 2013Report Abuse

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