3600 Block of Highway 146 between Kemah and LaPorte

Shoreacres, TexasJan 19, 20150 Comments

Shoreacres is a little town made up of low cost housing and trailer parks about 1 square mile. Unfortunately, they have about 850 yards of “city limits” on Hwy 146 that extends about 200 feet west of Hwy 146; basically just enough to set up a “speed trap” to prey on freeway traffic to financially support the low income town of 1,200 people. The backwoods police department couldn’t care less about the safety of the town or it’s citizens, they prefer to sit on the 1/2 mile of the highway they have jurisdiction over and milk the people on the highway for municipal funds. The speed limit sign for the highway isn’t even in their section of the highway.

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