417 (Greenway) at I-4

Sanford, FloridaApr 26, 20101 Comments

Troopers love to sit in the median just east of I4 where northbound 417 dumps off to I4 east. They can get folks coming off westbound I4 onto the 417 heading south and also nail people northbound on the 417 going to either Daytona Beach or towards Lake Mary. It’s where they got me.

The speed limits are clearly posted in this area., especially on 417 North going to I-4 east. There is even a sign that reads "Reduce Speed Ahead." The speed limit changes from 65 to 55 in this area because of merging traffic. The problem in that area is that very few drivers slow down. This is not a speed trap. Whoever said it is just simply got caught speeding.
#1Mar 04, 2011Report Abuse

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