64th Street near State Highway 9

Parkville, MissouriJan 21, 20071 Comments

There are 3 ways the Parkville police hide waiting for you when using the only entrance to Parkville from the east. They tailgate older, more beaten up cars whether or not they have actually committed a violation.
1. In the bank parking lot on the south side of 64th street to catch you speeding down the hill on the dam.
2. Hiding behind the gas station at 64th & 9 Hwy, where it drops from 45 to 35 MPH after the stoplight.
3. In circular 5 minute rotation on 64th street between the Price Chopper and the city limit to the east.
Traffic tickets are this backwater township’s primary source of revenue.

I can confirm the tailgating older cars comment. Driving with a friend (in her older Buick) west on Tom Watson headed to 435 on a sunday afternoon, a female police officer tailgated us, then pulled us over for going 5 miles UNDER the speed limit. When she asked us why we were driving under the speed limit my friend replied "Because there was a cop behind me". After trying to find something (Anything!) on our records, and finding nothing, she threatened to slice the tint on the window for being to dark (which it wasn't). Then said she would keep an eye out for the car in the future, which was a problem only because we lived in Parkville....
#1Mar 22, 2010Report Abuse

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