All North Augusta City Limits

North Augusta, South CarolinaApr 24, 20101 Comments

NAPD is stopping for improper lane changes, not using blinkers, not wearing seat belts, following too close, talking on cell phone, etc. If you aren’t supposed to do it while driving, you will get a ticket. There is a real push to write as many tickets for these traffic violations as possible. Speed limits are strictly enforced on all city streets. Even 2 miles over can be stopped. The old 5 miles leeway is out the door. Be careful -they will ticket, no warnings are being given!

There was never an official 5 miles over law it was out of the compassion from the officer. The law states a speed limit not ex:35 or whatever feels comfortable. If it is 35 then it is 35 obey it and you will not have a problem. The biggest problem is with the vehicle operator they just do not pay attention to speed, you just do what feels comfortable
#1Jul 20, 2011Report Abuse

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