Carmel, IndianaJan 28, 20111 Comments

I lived in Carmel for 30 years and just moved out in the country. That town is riddled with low-rent cops that have to keep a quota to pay for the new music hall.

Once my taxes went up AGAIN (8 times in 26 months) I had enough of it. I wouldn’t speed in that town for anything.

Try driving on Meridian south of 465 around rush hour…. Takes 2 years to get from one stoplight to the next. That town is SO corrupt… Heck, I used to be on the council and saw it first hand. I washed my hands clean of that place.

It is not a quota it is their job. If you stop bitching and complaining and stick to the law you would not have any problems. What it is does take longer to get to point b at the speed limit leave earlier and make up for it.
#1Jul 20, 2011Report Abuse

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