Banksville Road near West Parkway

Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaMay 23, 20050 Comments

Banksville Road is a four lane road divided by a jersey barrier along it’s length except to allow turns at one of the many lights that keep the posted speed limit to 35 MPH. However, once you have made it through the last of the lights (at Crane Avenue) it is a clear shot to the Parkway West and its 55 MPH speed limit. There are no obstructions to worry about and it is downhill to boot. There used to be cops here all the time but nothing I’ve seen in the past few years. Well, this past weekend (5/20) they were out in force again. A motorcycle cop sits behind a hill by Metro Heating/Cooling and guns you down. Then he calls to one of 10 cops sitting 1/10 of a mile around a bend and they come out into the road and wave you over to the berm. They got me doing 51 in the 35 zone. See you in court.

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