Bayview Ave, North of Crosby Ave. and south of Elgin Mills Rd.

Richmond Hill, OntarioOct 04, 20031 Comments

They set up around the Elementry school there. Either by the Coffe Time or the street just south of the Bayview plaza. They are targeting speeders in this School Zone. It goes from 60km/h to 40km/h for the length of the school and plaza and then resumes to 60km/h after. Both South and North is targeted. Mostly during the hours that parents come to pick up and drop off their kids. 8-10am and 2-4pm. if you are heading North, slow as you pass Crosby Ave, and wait untill you pass Elgin Mills before you Boot it. And south, same but vise versa.

They changed the speed limit from 40 to 60 around March 1,2010.
#1Mar 21, 2010Report Abuse

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