BEWARE!!! I-15 north at the 215 as you enter Las Vegas

Las Vegas, NevadaMar 13, 20113 Comments

Anyone entering Las Vegas traveling on the 15 Beware. The speed limit is 70 mph, when you approach the 215 you will see the 70 mph sign and within 200 feet you will see a 65mph sign. You had better be below 65mph when you hit the sign or you will be given a welcoming gift of a ticket. This is no joke as there was 11 cops writing tickets all at once. When I went by the same area the next day there were 13 cops all writing tickets at the same time. I can only assume the cops feel they can resolve the credit crisis by giving out 100’s of tickets per day. And in case you are wondering I did not get a ticket. I just feel this is very unprofessional to locals and tourists alike.

With fewer Nevada drivers on the roads and a smaller number of Las Vegas police officers patrolling the streets, wouldn’t a decrease in the number of Clark County traffic tickets be expected? We would, assuming that driver behavior didn’t change markedly among those drivers who remained on the roads and noting that Nevada traffic laws did not change over the one-year period. With a smaller force overseeing a smaller volume of drivers with no other forces boosting driver haste, reckless driving, or other moving violations, the only remaining explanation is that police officers have been pressured to issue more Nevada traffic tickets in order to help cash-strapped municipalities to fill holes in their budgets.
#1Apr 30, 2011Report Abuse
I seriously doubt that there are ever that many Metro motor units on duty at one time. I also doubt that NHP has that many motor units in all of Nevada. That kind of makes me wonder about all the information in this post.
#2Aug 07, 2011Report Abuse
Obviously the person posting the comment above doesn't pay attention. I have seen the exact same thing as the original post. However, Metro & NHP don't want to discourage tourism so they typically only pull over Nevada plates (unless the out-of-staters are being really reckless). Just another benefit to living in this God forsaken hellhole. Thanks Metro for spending our tax dollars harassing us while all the gang-bangers, drug dealers, burglars, etc. have the run of the town. If you're not going to do your REAL job, just stay in the donut shop and leave the few of us who still have jobs in peace, so we can get to them!
#3Sep 30, 2011Report Abuse

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