black oak past the railroad tracks

Bonneau, South CarolinaDec 15, 20131 Comments

as you are coming into or out of bonneau beach, they love to sit on the side of the road past the railroad tracks, near the bar. i have lived out here 9 years and if anyone comes out to visit, they know (or i tell them if they’ve never been here) not to speed, they love to give out tickets. they give out over a $200 ticket, no matter what the charge, and if you waste your time going to court (which they hold once a week at night) they will only reduce it $25. in my opinion, its a trap when the speed limit goes from 35 to 55, for about 1 mile, then drops back down to 35, it should be kept at one speed so to avoid this mess, but this is the main way they make their money, by catching people right where it drops. dirty cop who loves to make his money off other people. just do not speed, even a couple miles over because they will find something to charge you with.

Beware this speed traps! Officer FUDA will sit in his unmarked black Tahoe and write you a HUGE fine for going 41MPH in a 35. The speed goes from 55 to 35 with no warning, (no sign says reduce speed ahead) and he sits right there where the speed changes. If you try to go to court, he will absolutely take you to the cleaners. He is the Chief of police in this small corrupt town and you will get harassed and mocked by him in court. Bring a lawyer with you or get screwed. He has several cameras mounted on his Tahoe and will view them in court and make fun of you in front of everybody. You will not get a break and you will be charged something like $300 for a very minor offense. This town court system is very corrupt and you have no chance with them. BEWARE!!
#1May 28, 2014Report Abuse

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