Blissfield (Everywhere)

Blissfield, MichiganDec 22, 20092 Comments

Read all the other postings…believe them…then do not speed.

I would like to see how much money this town brings in yearly writing speeding tickets. Its disgusting to go through this town. We refer to the police as the community welcoming committee. This town really needs to consider putting in a alternate route around it. I understand the dangers of speeding however when citizens are being ticketed 100yds leaving the town its a bit to much.
#1Sep 27, 2014Report Abuse
I’m sure the town makes out well from the bounty , no fines that their officers write each day. The officers actually stalk their prey following them from one side of town to the other pulling you over giving you all kinds excuses for doing it then writing you up for something. They harass you treat you like you are a big criminal when in actuality all you want is to be left alone knowing that you’ve done nothing wrong. There needs to be a alternate route around this bully , cowboy bunch of poor excuses of law enforcement. The town has a horrible reputation derived by their police dept. . Sad such a nice little gem has to be tarnished by a gang of thugs.
#2Jan 09, 2020Report Abuse

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