Buffalo Drive near Sahara Avenue

Las Vegas, NevadaSep 30, 20071 Comments

Buffalo Drive is a major N/S boulevard in the Vegas valley. All the N/S and E/W major boulevards in the Vegas valley are posted at 45/mph, except Buffalo Drive between Sahara Ave and Charleston Ave., about a 6 block stretch, at which section the speed limit is 35/mph. Its the only small section in the whole valley (that I know of) that lowers the limit by 10 mph for a short stretch and then reverts back to 45. And, the sign which purportedly alerts drivers of the impending change in speed, is small and has been defaced for quite some time.

This location has been noted to have hidden motorcycle police on numerous occasions near the entrance of the Social Security Administration office across from the park. A limit of 35 mph is posted, but a motorist might not see the change in mph when coming from the north or south on Buffalo, which is 45 mph.
#1Oct 20, 2010Report Abuse

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