Burnett Boulevard near Northern Boulevard

Wilmington, North CarolinaNov 03, 20051 Comments

25 Mph speed limit on an "arterial" city street. Two four-way stops are in use, which the police ticket very agressively for failure to come to a total and complete stop. Radar is set up at bottom of small hill, around a curve on the northbound shoulder of Burnett Boulevard, just North of the intersection of Burnett and Northern Boulevards. Radar is also active at the southern entrance of Burnett Boulevard, just beyond the 35 Mph to 25 mph speed reduction point. There is only one speed limit sign posted at each end of the 25 mph zone, which is difficult to spot, and easily overlooked. Overall, this is entrapment. It is NOT good law enforcement.

When the Wilmington Police can't patrol, the NC State Ports Police use their "one mile from the boundary" rule (Burnett literally runs parallel to the fence at the State Port) to cash in on the speedtrap as well.
#1Feb 05, 2023Report Abuse

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