ByPass 4 between Symmes Rd and Tylersville Rd

Hamilton, OhioSep 10, 20131 Comments

Hamilton police use an unmanned white ford SUV camera car with what looks like a lot of spot lights on top. They set it up mostly during non-rush hours during daytime. It sits on the north bound breakdown lane on the left (middle of the road divider) just south of the railroad overpass. Coming from the Tylersville Rd. to the north you don’t see it as there is a drop in the road after the overpass going toward Symmes Rd. The Fairfield portions of this road are 55 mph but Hamilton has their sections at 50 mph for no other reason than as a speed trap, in other words there’s no change in the road or traffic conditions at all to warrant a 5 mph drop. Most drivers do 60 mph in Fairfield’s 55 mph zone at either end of this Hamilton speed trap and when they hit Hamilton’s 50 mph zone they’re 10 over and bingo! If you look quickly in your side view mirror and see one of the spot lights flash like a camera flash bulb several times get ready for a nice letter from them for your money and maybe even your license!

It should go without saying that, with the advent of the unmarked, unmanned, mobile, quite illegal, automatic photo enforcement Ford Escape which Hamilton can place, literally, anywhere within the city limits (but primarily in those places where there's the best chance of nabbing the most revenue), the entire city of Hamilton has become a giant speed trap and, if at all possible, it's best to simply steer completely clear of the Hamilton city limits, altogether, and take your business elsewhere. One of the worst areas are those Hamilton streets leading to and from the Bridgewater Falls shopping center. The City of Hamilton is ruthless on enforcing the speed laws in this area on both By-Pass 4 and Route 129. We'll see how ruthless they stay when business at the Bridgewater Falls shopping center dries up because no one will go there from Hamilton or Fairfield, stores close, and the place becomes just another 'dead mall'. At least the Hamilton streets and roads will be safe, but it will only be because they're empty and completely devoid of traffic.
#1Sep 24, 2013Report Abuse

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