Canyon County – Hwy 55 – Sunnyslope to Marsing

Caldwell, IdahoOct 04, 20101 Comments

Hwy 55 from the Huston Corner all the way down to Marsing bridge. Both Canyon County and ISP trap both directions. Sometimes they hide down off Lowell by Symms Fruit Ranch, sometimes where the road dips before highway becomes two lane road by Lizard Butte. I’ve seen a Canyon Co. guy at the Huston Post Office using radar gun on north bound Hwy 55 traffic – just as you come up the hill around the corner he can get you. Watch for the tan, grey and white unmarked cars. I’ve seen motorycle cops, marked cars for both ISP and Canyon County, and unmarked. That whole stretch gets worked alot so be careful.

The Sheriff Dept does work this area in conjunction with ISP but it's not a "speed trap", it's to slow the traffic down in a congested area where people think the speed limit pertains to everone else BUT them! Run the speed limit and you won't be bothered!
#1Mar 12, 2011Report Abuse

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