Carlsbad Village Drive – Westbound – Just West of Monroe

Carlsbad, CaliforniaMay 03, 20101 Comments

Motorcycle cop parks in C.V.D. median, just West and over the hump in the road, and hits you with radar just after you pass through the Monroe intersection. You don’t see him until after you hit the crest of the small hill after going through the Monroe intersection. By then, it’s too late, after having gained speed going downhill from Donna Drive at the top of the hill. The speed limit is a ridiculous 35 M.P.H. Another variation is for the m/c cop to park along the South curb of C.V.D., just past Monroe (where the curve starts), where he is difficult to see, but has a clear shot as you go down the hill toward Monroe. Both of these seem to be used a lot in the early morning hours.

Around 11:00 pm M-F is a good time to find them hunting there as well.
#1Feb 19, 2011Report Abuse

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