City of Chicago Street near Chicago

Chicago, IllinoisOct 17, 20061 Comments

This is a bulletin regarding a major change within the entire City of Chicago. The city has recently purchased ten Lidar guns for use by a newly formed team called the TTT team for targeted traffic team. The team consists of 20 officers and three seargents who will be deployed citywide to various locations every day in response to complains by residents and aldermen. The TTT will not just be focused on speeding, but will also focus heavily on people rolling thru stop signs and improper lane usage. They have already written nearly 500 tickets in a three week period in the Jefferson Park district. In addition to the Ten Lidar guns being used by the TTT, the city has placed an order for an additional 50 Lidar guns, which will be distributed as two lidar’s for each of the 25 police districts for use by regular patrol officers. This expansion of traffic enforcement will likely result in many thousands more speeding tickets being written over the next year then in the previos year, and will be a major change for people in a city that has up to now had virtually no organized traffic enforcement program outside of LSD and the Skyway. So be alert and aware.

I think this is why we have so much crime here in Chicago, the cops are spending too much time with giving tickets to someone going a few miles over the limit than going after bad guys, speed traps are for revenue only, not to protect anyone, so when you see a posted speed limit sign of 25 mph and you think it should be at least 40mph because it's on a big 4 lane road, just think why they did that, it's because they need a little more of your money, so just slow down, i'm sure you need that 100 bucks more than they do.......
#1Nov 07, 2010Report Abuse

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