Clonmore Avenue near Gerrard Street

Toronto, OntarioOct 08, 20061 Comments

As you come to the end of Gerrard Street East going Eastbound or coming south west on Clonmore Avenue towards Gerrard, there is a curve that the Police hide behind. The limit is 40 km/h but I got caught going 67- it’s easy to speed.
This bend is where the Quarry Shopping Centre is- across the street.

Eastbound on Clonmore Ave, the speed limit is 35 kph as you make the bend by he Quarry Plaza. As the road straightens out it increases to 40. It does not change to 50 until roughly half-way to Victoria Park, even though no traffic can turn onto the street from the North side of the street as the street runs along the old fenced-in quarry.. I have seen people waived over here many times, when weather, traffic and other conditions do not warrant it. Most definitely a speed trap.
#1Mar 12, 2010Report Abuse

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