Corrigan Drive near McKonkey Road

South Park, PennsylvaniaMay 26, 20072 Comments

Anywhere in South Park you need to watch but Corrigan Dr. is no joke. I got pulled over together with another vehicle I was following for 5 over. Ever since there were deaths due to a drag race in the early 80’s it has been watched. Today it is worse than it ever was. Officer quote: "when you see 25mph it does not mean 30mph , it does not mean 26mph. it means 25mph. Nice park, but unrealistic speed limits.

You don't get it. The posted limit is for a safe park for all to enjoy. Its not a short cut to be abused by motorists going to SouthPark Twp. You need to learn rules are for the common good of all.
#1Sep 04, 2010Report Abuse
The police have a new hide spot in the park. At the entrance as you come in on Corrigan Drive on the left side up on the hill there are two levels. They use to sit right there at the very bottom but now they are sitting at the very top on the second level. When you are coming into the park and see all that straight open road you are tempted to push the metal and that is what they are looking for. When you are coming out of the park you can see them up on your right. There probably was one sitting in the large parking lot of the skating rink and VIP rec center. In that area they park at the far end opposite of the road. So, just slow down, don't tailgate, and don't switch lanes back and forth and you will be ok.
#2Dec 18, 2011Report Abuse

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