Council Street near pond at Noelridge

Cedar Rapids, IowaOct 24, 20111 Comments

Trap got me heading north on council just south of Collins Rd.

Awww-you had to been going more than 11 MPH over in a 25mph school zone-there are 4 schools-2 within a block and 1 within 2 blocks and 1 within about 3, there are posted speed and school zones. cross walks etc. Going more than 11 over that close to 4 schools and the park-well-think about the kids safety. I assume you don't stop for kids at the school crosswalk on Council either? It's very clearly marked and has reflective paint. The jeep sticks out like a sore thumb there as a lot of people don't park on Council because of traffic and they have driveways. They sit up past 48th St You can see them as soon as you cross/turn off of 42nd-that gives you 6 blocks to slow down-and you're still going almost 50% over the limit in a school zone.
#1Oct 23, 2014Report Abuse

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