County Trunk Z Hwy near Z Hwy off of I-70

Bates City, MissouriMar 09, 20061 Comments

They sit all over town and on the outer roads with their lights off and sometimes radar off until you are on them. Very expensive tickets. For such a small town it is obvious how they afford to man the police force and new vehicles they drive.

The off-ramp here has an unusual setup. Traffic coming off the interstate has the right-of-way at the end of the ramp. Traffic on the outer road has to yield to ramp traffic, so the exiting traffic drives diagonally across the outer road to its right lane without stopping. Since the traffic is flowing freely off Interstate 70 this is a perfect place for Bates City police to nab unsuspecting I-70 travelers. I see them pulling over exiting vehicles all of the time there.
#1Oct 30, 2013Report Abuse

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