Courtney Park Street

Mississauga, OntarioAug 23, 20040 Comments

As you pass McLaughlin, going eastbound on Courtney Park watch out for marked and/or unmarked police cruisers. They park their cars on a side street completely invisible to the
Courney Park eastbound trafic. They use radar guns either handheld or on stand on the south side of Coutney Park. The tricky part in all this is that there is no posted speed limit on this strech of road (Courney Park btwn McLaughlin and HWY 10) which is new, wide and smooth. There is some sign well passed Kenedy saying that Mississauga speed limit is 50 km/hr unless otherwise stated. So I guess no posted speed limit means 50 km/hr. Today around 12:30 pm I got scanned doing 50 and I was OK. Two cars behind me got pulled over.

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