Cuba, New Mexico

Cuba, New MexicoJul 11, 20104 Comments

I’ve read the numerous postings on this sight, and what happened to me is almost word for word what my situation was, while passing through Cuba, on July 10th, 2010.
I slowed to 35mph as I passed through Cuba, when I reached the south side of town and passed the 45mph speed sign, I accelerated and passed the 55mph speed sign, when I noticed lights flashing behind me. I pulled over and came to a stop in front of the 70mph speed sign. An officer approached my car and said he "clocked" me doing 47 in a 35. I was very careful about my speed, because I have been warned about the "cops" in Cuba, so naturally I was shocked.
The officer was nice, and informed me that he would drop the citation down to 40mph in a 35mph speed zone and that I could see the judge or pay a $69.00 fine. Since it was saturday, and the judge wouldn’t be available until monday, $69.00 is cheaper then staying in town or coming back at a later date. I needed to be in Fort Worth that night, so I was on my way. Because I have Texas tags on my car, I’m sure the officer knew I wasn’t in a position to do anything but pay the fine and I also feel thats why I was targeted and pulled over.
I’d be interested to learn the statistics on the number of traffic stops made in Cuba, and the monies/revenues, generated from those activities. I really feel this was more about my $69.00 then my being a danger to the town of Cuba, New Mexico.

I travel through Cuba a lot and it is definitely a HUGE speed trap. There is always a cop stopping someone before, in the middle and after Cuba, I have seen all three stopped at one time. I saw a local paper from there and there was over 350 stops from the police in one month. So they are bringing in the bucks big time, so I always stay below the speed limit, too bad about you being from out of town.
#1Sep 10, 2010Report Abuse
Cuba is taking the place of San Ysidro to the south. But SY's mayor and her police officer were Not sharing the bounty with Santa Fe. So long as Cuba shares, their practice will continue unabated. A Depressed Reservation economy like Cuba's is desperate to 'harvest' funds to grow their government. Government Dependency is ingrained into the US Reservation system. Cuba is surrounded by, and amalgumated into that system..
#2Dec 22, 2010Report Abuse
My experience was EXACTLY the same as the first entry above. I was doing the speed limit, with my escort radar detector on. I was stopped southbound in the 45 zone, no radar detector alert. I had Michigan tags on my car. I was ticketed "with radar" for 47mph in a 35 zone = $85.00. It's very sad that this type of "Legal Extortion" is allowed to continue...
#3Feb 19, 2011Report Abuse
The town of Cuba is nothing but a cheap, poor example of police work. Definately a speed trap area, all of Cuba!
#4Apr 26, 2011Report Abuse

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