Damascus, Arkansas

Harrison, ArkansasMay 14, 20151 Comments

Police stops you say you were speeding doing 60 to 63 and he is helping you out by writing ticket for unsafe driving, won’t go against insurance and paid to town of Damascus. Only profile out of state tags. Just way for town to make quick dollar.

Exact same experience as Damascus except on 412 to Alpena. Driven thru a million times from Texas. When I mentioned the phrase speed trap the officer got a strange smile on his face as asked how I define a "speed trap". I responded that a good clue would be the billboard/sign erected by the local homeowner. Got the same offer of a $225 dollar "donation" to Boone County/City of Alpena. Real shame is my property taxes in Marion county are the same as the "Fine". Hope Marion County and every other county i drive thru doesn't feel the need to shake down residents & nonresident alike. Would prefer the old fashioned bake sale for the police department.
#1Jun 09, 2023Report Abuse

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