Davidson Xway between I75 and Lodge xway

Highland Park, MichiganAug 14, 20031 Comments

Two entrance ramps – Oakland and Woodward. State troopers at ramp tops. Selective enforcement. HP bankrupt. Toops paid by state to enforce streets. Tickets double price of statute ($65 for 70 in a 55 marked-up to $112). Money-maker for city.

I saw so many cars being pulled over today 10/6/12 that there were tow truck posted up on the near bridges just waiting for the Highland Parks "Finest" to radio in that they needed a car to "Impounded", they are so DIRTY that they know there ALOT of PPL trying to scrape by coming home from work coming home to the City that they sit on the on-ramps of Oakland & Woodward & just pull EVERYONE over thats going over 55. Dirty Bastards they are, I wonder who the CRIMINALS really are, the ones in the cars with lights or the guy with a GUN who is robbing me because OBVIOUSLY they are TOO BUSY to respond to ANYTHING other than pulling over people in an OBVIOUS what should be a 70mphNEW zone but is marked 55.
#1Oct 07, 2012Report Abuse

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