De Zavala Road near NW military Street

Shavano Park, TexasApr 22, 20083 Comments

Trust me on this one, Obey all laws while traveling through Shavano Park.

Laws should be appropriate in order to have people follow them, and Shavano Park's artificially low speed limits are completely inappropriate. It is disgusting.
#1Dec 18, 2010Report Abuse
"The whole thing about under-posted limits is it makes the traffic officer into a road tax collector, and makes him hated and feared," Walker said. "And that's wrong." How do you like that, Shavano Park P.D.?
#2Dec 18, 2010Report Abuse
Inappropriate speed limits are completely unacceptable. Disgusting and pathetic.
#3Feb 25, 2011Report Abuse

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