E. Broadway near Scooters

Altus, OklahomaApr 30, 20102 Comments

Having worked in law enforcement for years, this really surprised me. I was leaving the only large club, in my truck with out of state plates. I saw no less than 4 police cars across the street waiting to peel off and follow people leaving, me being one of them. Having drank sodas the whole night, I was afraid of being stopped but this reiks of a lying in wait. And I agree with another post that law enforcement in this town are rotten. Usually they are young air force kids who have gotten out and hired at the PD. They are inexperienced and looking to make a reputation for themselves, not protect the public, and pick up chicks. This department needs some serious help with their rep, starting with a new police chief.

Being an Altus Police Officer of 8 years, I feel that I must comment here. I agree that several police units parked across from the bar may look like a set-up, but it is possible that they just cleared from a disturbance there, as there are many at closing time. I must also say that even if one follows you from there, if you do not commit any traffic infractions, you will not be stopped. As for the hiring process, I only know of one officer that is a former AAFB service member, but would gladly welcome more to the force. If you are truly former law enforcement, then you have lost your sense of camaraderie and public service. Would you be less offended at having your driving checked out after leaving a bar if one of your family members had been killed by a drunk driver? To assume that a force of over 45 officers is "rotten" is silly. I invite you to come meet us at any time and maybe go for a ride along to see what we are up against. You may be surprised to learn (or remember) that our lives are in dager with every contact and that we always try, and sometimes fail, to do the best job that we can under the circumstances.
#1Sep 06, 2010Report Abuse
I believe there is a speed trap across from Scooters and for a good reason. Scooters is where the drunks are and when they leave some drive. I would rather see them stopped and jailed than to kill someone which does happen. I am retired Air Force and have been in Altus for the past 20 years, no the Altus Police is not made up of young military or old military, give us a break.
#2Dec 10, 2010Report Abuse

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