East Hennepin Avenue near SE 5th Avenue

Minneapolis, MinnesotaDec 01, 20072 Comments

Heading west on East Hennepin from the 35W exit, going under a railroad bridge, there is a fairly large dip that will cause vehicles to increase speed. The bridge, overhead, obstructs the view up the road which is where the patrol sits (just west of 5th Ave SE/NE Taylor St). By the time drivers see the patrol, they have already been hit with the radar. Posted speed limit is 30 MPH though the road in this section is fairly straight and four lanes.

Ive never been caught on this trap, but this is one of the dirtiest traps in mpls. I drive up and down this part of hennepin ave many times a day and literally they are there every other day, sometimes 5 days a week including weekends. Usually more towards the end of the month. Supposedly quotas are illegal, but obviously the 5-0 don't obey the law either. Clearly they are there to meet their quotas. Any time police clock people going down hill and ticket them its ridiculous. This isn't a high accident area nor near a residential area where kids are. Just a good spot to catch people when they least expect it. You never see speed traps in areas where there is a legitimate danger if people speed. Just where its easiest to hide when people are always going to speed because of the road it self.
#1Sep 02, 2010Report Abuse
Ive never been caught on this trap, but this is one of the dirtiest traps in mpls. I drive up and down this part of hennepin ave many times a day and literally they are there every other day, sometimes 5 days a week including weekends. Usually more towards the end of the month. Supposedly quotas are illegal, but obviously the 5-0 don't obey the law either. Clearly they are there to meet their quotas. Any time police clock people going down hill and ticket them its ridiculous. This isn't a high accident area nor near a residential area where kids are. Just a good spot to catch people when they least expect it. You never see speed traps in areas where there is a legitimate danger if people speed. Just where its easiest to hide when people are always going to speed because of the road it self.
#2Sep 02, 2010Report Abuse

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