Eastbound pocket of Brook Ave. just after Westervelt Ave.
On May 20th, 2010 at 2:11 P.M. North Plainfield ran a radar detail in the wooded pocket on the eastbound side of Brook Ave (P71 Crown Vic pointing east waiting for motorists comming in westbound direction). The coordinates of the exact location of were they were at that particular time were 40.624594, -74.624594 which was on the cement aprin of a three car garage however North Plainfield police are also known to sit at 2 more even better hidden spots when they run this trap that are right after afformentioned garage under a lot of tree’s … The coordinates of the exact locations of these two spots are 40.624692, -74.423205 in the small open grass space on the left hand side of the garage and 40.624867, -74.423085 under real heavy tree’s respectively if you’re travelling eastbound obviously with the toughest hiding spot being under the tree’s. It really doesn’t even make any sense to be going over the 25 MPH limit much if at all in this “bell curve” between Sanford Ave. and Westervelt Ave. anyway being that it’s tight residential usually with numerous parked cars but it’s easy to get snagged if you’re comming from the “fast wide open” part of Brook Ave. if you’ve just come from the stop sign at the intersection of Brook Ave. and Norwood Ave. Remember now-ALL of Brook Ave. as well as the majority of other roadways in North Plainfield are only 25 MPH most of U.S. HWY 22 is like 45 MPH with maybe a little bit 50 MPH and a few remaining divided roads at 35 MPH not to mention many stupid (uncontrolled intersections as the cops call it) T-bone intersections with no stop signs giving plenty of opportunities to bang everyone with all kinds of unfair “4-98” speeding tickets as well as other moving violations …
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